What's going on with this Untitled science fiction story? First, a description in brief:
A scavenger discovers a valuable but very dangerous artifact, and must sell it before it is too late.
Currently I'm on a three day updating schedule : Update, break, draft, Update, break, draft, Update, etc etc.
I am constantly thinking up new scenarios and plot points for the story, even when I'm on "break". I write these down in a fucking convoluted notepad document.
Breaking involves doing nothing. Yep. Nothing.
Drafting involves writing down a brief "summary" of what happens in each scene for the part. The summaries include the location, viewpoint, the mood (exposition, tension, or action), and what happens. In dialogue-heavy scenes I'll put down rough guidelines for the dialogue as well.
Updating involves writing the entire deal (usually this always occurs from 12:00-2:00 am), editing the entire deal (usually poorly) and throwing it up here.
Exposition means none of the characters are in danger, physical or otherwise, and the plot is advanced through expository dialogue or description.
Tension means there is a threat of physical danger or there is a verbal confrontation between two characters.
Action means there's action! Fist fights, gun fights, giant space ship fights. The character's lives are directly threatened.
The various flags in Untitled I make myself. I spent most of April in chemistry class reading up on vexillology (the study of flags). I do my best to make every colour, shape, and symbol in the flags I make to represent something. For instance, the Deep Space Confederacy flag:
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Untitled: Episode 5 Part 1
Why do I keep writing these long episodes? The world will never know.
Why do I keep using foreign languages? The world will never know.
Why do I keep adding characters? The world will never know.
Edit: Added the Eyecatch! I think those are cool.
Edit2: And edited out more typos. Grammar checking at 3:00 a.m. sure is hard!
Why do I keep using foreign languages? The world will never know.
Why do I keep adding characters? The world will never know.
Edit: Added the Eyecatch! I think those are cool.
Edit2: And edited out more typos. Grammar checking at 3:00 a.m. sure is hard!
Previously on UNTITLED:
…Besides the sluggishly rotating planet, the skies were empty. The light frigate DSCS-IO and Battlecruiser DSCS-LIVERPOOL had warped out of the system yesterday, responding to increased Wheel sightings near Andyal, the moon of the DSC-aligned and strategically important, but largely independent world of Kaisari…
…The briefing was a plan of action for the Ganymede’s next few weeks. As soon as possible, the Ganymede would move out to support (if necessary) the DSC at Andyal. The Battlecruiser DSCS-PRETORIA was present there at the moment, and the DSCS-IO and DSCS-LIVERPOOL would arrive soon, as you all should know. The carrier DSCS-PORTUGAL should arrive shortly to pick up the DSC troops on the planet…
…The second lieutenant made a take-off motion with his hand. “Bunker class fighter flies off right above him. He’s only got helicopters that are no good for space flight. And get this, the Liverpool? It was supposed to be watching the planet for that fighter. Too bad though, because it’s gone! You’d think this Scott guy would have organized this better, but he’s not really in control of anything.”…
The world of Kaisari was one of the earliest colonized worlds in the galaxy, and one glance at the day to day life on the planet would tell you that. The first settlers of the then-unnamed world lost all contact with the outside after a breakdown of their communications systems. The many colonists, unable to settle their petty differences, expanded outwards across the surface of the planet, drifting apart culturally and linguistically over many generations. Eventually the planet’s landmass was divided amongst several rival warlords. Without any access to modern technology, the planet entered a medieval state, where wars were fought not with guns and elite troops but with large armies of swords and spears. A bloody period of warlordism followed.
One warlord, whose territory was based around the city of Austis, grew increasingly tired of the unstable situation on the planet. He gave himself the name “Kaisar”, crowning himself Imperator – emperor – of his domain. He instituted in the city of Austis a legislative body: Senatus Populusque Kaisari, translated as The Senate and People of Kaisari and commonly referred to as the SPQK. This democratic body brought the new Imperator Kaisar great support from the people and allowed him to levy grand armies from the population. While the SPQK governed the state, Kaisar formed his armies into twelve legions and set out on the warpath from Austis. In a series of campaigns he conquered and subjugated all other warlords on the planet, naming himself Imperator Mundi: Emperor of the World. He named the planet after himself and the first legion, Legio I Kaisari, still bears his name.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
To all my foreign visitors
I've noticed there's quite a few of you visiting this blog from places other than my native Canada. This has naturally made me very curious! What brings you here? Random google searches? Obscure links? Blog hopping? My incredibly silly story?
If any of you happen to read this, leave a comment. I'd be very interested in knowing how someone from Zimbabwe would find this blog!
5 from the USA, 3 from Russia, 2 from Germany?
Who are you? How did you get here?
Кто вы? Как вы сюда попали?
I've noticed there's quite a few of you visiting this blog from places other than my native Canada. This has naturally made me very curious! What brings you here? Random google searches? Obscure links? Blog hopping? My incredibly silly story?
If any of you happen to read this, leave a comment. I'd be very interested in knowing how someone from Zimbabwe would find this blog!
5 from the USA, 3 from Russia, 2 from Germany?
Who are you? How did you get here?
Кто вы? Как вы сюда попали?
Wer sind Sie? Wie haben Sie bekommen hier?
I'm legitimately curious.
Untitled: Episode 4 Part 3
Ending the episode with less words, more action! It is a bit long, though. Get cozy!
Landover awoke as soon as he heard the cabin door open. He did not move, nor did he open his eyes. He wanted to see what she was going to do.
He remained still, controlling his breathing as she moved around the narrow room, but he did not know what she could be looking for. Her motives, as before, remained a mystery to him.
It was only when he felt her jump up on his bed and begin to straddle him did his eyes thrust open. And they opened to Cass, dressed in full uniform, her green eyes glinting malevolently. She carried a combat knife, pointed down at his chest, in her left hand.
Landover shouted out and slapped his arm out towards her, knocking her off a second before she thrust the knife downwards, where it harmlessly stabbed into the pillow. He rolled off the bed and attempted to stagger to his feet, but the small size of the cabin prevented him from regaining his balance. Cass meanwhile had stood up on the bed, laughing maniacally and still holding the knife. Taking the opportunity, Landover pushed himself off the floor and moved in front of the door of the cabin.
“Cassiopeia!” He shouted. “What the hell is this?”
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Untitled: Episode 4 Part 2
! I sure hope you're not sick of those yet.
They spoke for the better part of an hour, of the follies of ancestors and the many wars between the two Asiatic nations. The bartender had seen her share of strife, and had often been the worse for it. She came from a rare mixed family, from happier times when such things were possible. She taught him words and phrases he might find useful during his time planetside. He told her about his past travels, including his bold and daring escape from bloodthirsty rebels on the lawless hive of Retale. She told him that story was bullshit and he knew it.
“Well maybe it didn’t happen exactly that way…” Jay said, swinging down his third bottle of beer. “I might have taken some artistic license with the nature of the events.”
The bartender laughed and offered another bottle of beer. Jay shook his head, indicating that both he and his wallet had had too much.
“So you spend all this time travelling … what do you do, anyways?” The bartender asked.
“I find broken things, mostly, pick up their parts, and then sell them.” Jay answered., beaming.
“Oh yeah? You’re a scavenger then – like a vulture or a hyena.” She teased.
“I guess you could say that.” Jay leaned back on his stool, self-satisfied and a little bit drunk.
“Hah!” The bartender laughed once more. “You’re shameless. You sound like you’ve been a scavenger since you crawled out of your cradle.”
“No, I did some other stuff before that.”
The bartender briefly leaned over to serve another patron a drink. The afternoon rush was starting and soon a good part of Pibotto’s population would be looking for a liquid lunch.
“Like what?” She asked, returning to Jay. Jay’s smile faded. He leaned back forward on the stool, his uncut bangs falling over his eyes. The bartender was unperturbed.
“Those are roads I don’t walk anymore.”
“Sounds like you haven’t had enough to drink.”
“Sounds like I’ve had too much. I have to get back to the Wasp.”
The bartender raised an eyebrow.
“The one and only Space Wasp. My old bunker-class fighter. Also, my house.”
“You pilot a bunker class?” The bartender asked, surprised. “Not many more of those around. You sound like you’re down on your luck.”
Jay sighed.
“I guess you could say that.”
“Well, Mr. Scavenger.” The bartender smirked. She brushed her own hair out of her eyes and leaned over towards Jay. “Because you’ve been good for business, I’ll give you a little tip.”
Jay lifted his head and leaned in closer.
“There’s a big passenger jetliner just crashed outside of Tuánjié – that’s the capital of Fēnliè. Get a map and look for a town called Cūlüè. You should be able to find it from there. If you can get there before the mafias do then you should be able to make a pretty penny.”
Jay stood up off of the stool and stared suspiciously at the bartender.
“How do you know this?”
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Untitled: Episode 4 Part 1
A whole lotta
in this update. More of those to come.
Also I changed the title.
Also I changed the title.
The planet was known as Bunkatsu or Fēnliè depending on who you asked, and had a lengthy and rather gory history. An independent world free from the Wheel and the DSC, its people nevertheless want to get into the fold of one of the two factions. In the far past, qualifying as ancient history for some of the planet’s populace, settlers from earth now referred to as “Asiatics” settled the planet. There were two major ethnic groups amongst the colonists who were unable to settle old differences between their peoples, and so chose to land in two different regions. Those who settled in the west named the area “Bunkatsu” and those in the east, “Fēnliè”. The westerners, over the years, built up a decadent empire from their capital city of Tanitsu, the glittering gem of Asiatic capitalism. Not many tourists visit from either the DSC or the Wheel visit Bunkatsu, so the many Onsen around its volcanically active central mountain are frequented mostly by locals. The few tourists that do make it speak wonders of their luxury, wondering how such a serene countryside could exist alongside the cities of the country’s western coast.
On the remaining half of the planet, another dominant ethnic group populates the country called Fēnliè. This nation took the industrial path, building up a great economy extremely rapidly for a newly colonized world. Their great cities may not have the aesthetic appeal as do those of the west, but their mighty industrial machine has brought great wealth to their nation in the form of interplanetary trade. Off world interest in Fēnliè is limited, however, given their volatile relations with their neighbours to the west.
On one particular day the forgotten protagonist found himself in the border town of Pibotto. Having refuelled the Space Wasp and locked it securely in a pay-to-stay garage, Jay’s wallet was beginning to feel the pinch. He would need to find some sort of work in the near future. At the present moment he was making his way down a lonely street, a pale wind blowing from the east. His destination was known only to him – or perhaps he had no destination at all.
The weather on that day in that town had been overcast since the sun rose in the morning, beginning its 23 hour journey across the sky. Now, with the heavenly body a little more than halfway through its trek, it began to rain. Jay ducked into an alcove, seeking respite from the sudden deluge. Thunder rumbled nearby. Jay’s eyes wandered to a hanging sign above the doorway he was standing in. The sign proclaimed, to all those who would read it, “BAR”. His curiosity piqued, Jay entered.
It was a simple affair, a thin room with a lone chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The place must have been swanky in its heyday, but its wood panelled walls were beginning to peel and the chandelier was much too dim to inspire any dreams of high society. Photographs of cities much more prosperous than this one were framed on the walls, wooden chairs and tables lining the sides of the room. A radio somewhere played a slow piece of jazz, sounding tinny compared to the thunder outside. At the end of the room were the bar and its bartender, an Asiatic woman dressed in blue jeans and a white sleeveless shirt, black hair falling down behind her shoulders. She was polishing a glass that had definitely seen better days. Jay moved forward and sat one of the bar’s stools.
The sounds of the radio, the ticking of a clock, distance rumbles of thunder soon became too much to bear. Jay spoke.
“How much for a whiskey?”
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