Exams have taken chunks out of my schedule, so my writing has slowed down, somewhat. Luckily I'm going to be going on an ~exotic~ Carribean cruise (details later) soon, leaving plenty of time to put words on figurative paper.
For now, here's an excerpt.
It's a part of Untitled that didn't make the cut, unfortunately. It takes place in episode 6, an already lengthy chapter, and really doesn't add much to the story that can't be summarized much for succinctly. It was difficult deciding to cut it out, especially after having written it in the first place, but hey, it's all part of the process.
Getting there had not been easy. She had been jettisoned out into space inside what was essentially a metal coffin with a rocket and a few magnets strapped to it. In cosmic terms, the escape pod was nothing: a dust mite in a universe of metal giants. No sensors could be tuned enough to detect such a small object floating in space, which made it the perfect tool for infiltration.