Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday, March 11th

That was a good day. 
Walked around downtown, played frisbee at City Hall, explored High Park, set off fireworks.
Feels like it's summer already, which makes it all the more melancholy.
Ah well, time to stay inside all day today and play a shit-ton of videogames. Maybe get some of those College One apps done, or read a book about an expedition down the Congo river.
But getting out of my pyjamas and eating breakfast would be a good start, too.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My excellency and blog woes

I feel excellent, thank you for asking.

Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day, and I'm going to spend it outside. The question is... doing what?

Also, I need a new background image! The advent of spring doesn't really jive with the bleak monochromacity of winter.